Country |
Ref. |
Source |
Czech Republic |
6 |
Beneš, J. and Částková, J. (2004) Viral Hepatits 1995 – 2003 – EPIDAT. Prague: National Institute of Public Health.) |
Denmark |
5 |
Susan Cowan, Department of Epidemiology, Statens Serum Institut, 2003. (unpublished data). |
Germany |
21 |
Robert-Koch-Institut (Hrsg.) Gesundheitsberichterstattung de Bundes, Heft 15. Hepatitis C. // Bulletin 16.1.2004 |
Estonia |
1 |
Kutsar K, Health Protection Inspectorate, Tallinn. |
Latvia |
3 |
Perevoscikovs J. State Public Health Agency. (Epidemioloģijas biļetens, Nr. 84 (720) June 16, 2003) |
Lithuania |
4 |
Bagdonaite J., Centre for Communicable Diseases Prevention and Control, Vilnius, Lithuania (unpublished data) |
Luxembourg |
1d |
Origer A., Ministry of Health – Luxembourg |
Hungary |
1 |
Csohán Á. National Center for Epidemiology, Department for Epidemiology, Budapest. (personal comm.) |
Netherlands |
23 |
Koedijk, F., Op de Coul, E.L.M., Van de Laar, M. Aangifte acute HBV in 2003 (in progress, Infectieziekten Bulletin 2004); Koedijk, F., Op de Coul, E.L.M., Van de Laar, M. Chronische hepatitis B infecties in Nederland, 2001-2003 (in progress, Infectieziekten Bulletin 2004) |
24 |
Health Inspectorate/RIVM | |
Poland |
3 |
National Focal Point, pers. comm. 2004. |
Slovenia |
1 |
Institute of Public Health of the Republic of Slovenia, Ljubljana. |
Slovakia |
1 |
Okruhlica, L., Klempova, D.: Hodnocení programu vakcinace proti hepatitidě typu B u uživatelú drog v Bratislavě (Evaluation of a Hepatitis B Vaccination Programme among Drug Users in Bratislava), Adiktologie, 2002, 2, p.11-18. |
4 |
Okruhlica, L., Centre for Treatment of Drug Dependencies. Bratislava. | |
5 |
Okruhlica, L., Gazdik, F., Klempova, D.: Hepatitída C a aktuálne súvislosti s odborom drogových závislostí, Alkoholizmus a drogové závislosti (Protialkoholický obzor), 2003, 38, p.75-82. | |
Finland |
1a |
Holmström P. National Public Health Institute (KTL) Department of Infectious Diseases Epidemiology (unpublished data). |
4 |
National Research and Development Centre for Welfare and Health (STAKES). Private practioner and heroin addicts: A case study on the impact of medical outpatient care on criminal activities. STAKES. Helsinki, 1998 | |
5 |
National Focal Point, pers. comm. 2004. | |
6 |
Brummer Korvenkontio H. National Public Health Institute (KTL) Department of Infectious Diseases Epidemiology (unpublished data). | |
Sweden |
3 |
Janzon R. Swedish Institute for Infectious Disease Control, Department of Epidemiology. (unpublished data). |
United Kingdom |
22 |
Surveillance of known hepatitis C antibody cases in Scotland: Results to 30th June 2002. SCIEH Weekly Report 2003; 37(15): 96-101. |
23 |
Balogun MA & Gungabissoon U, Health Protection Agencies, Communicable Disease Surveillance Centre – London. | |
24 |
Ramsay ME, Balogun MA, Collins M, Balraj V. Laboratory surveillance of hepatitis C virus infection in England and Wales: 1992 to 1996. Communicable disease and Public Health 1998; 1: 89-94. | |
25 |
Smyth B. Communicable Disease Surveillance Centre, Northern Ireland. | |
26 |
Balogun MA, Ramsay ME, Fairley CK, Collins M, Heptonstall J. Acute hepatitis B infection in England and Wales 1985-1996. Epidemiology and Infection 1999; 122: 125-131. | |
27 |
Scottish Centre for Infection and Environmental Health (SCIEH), Laboratory notifications, Glasgow. | |
Norway |
4 |
Marte Ødegård Lund, SIRUS – Norwegian Institute for Alcohol and Drug Research, unpublished data. |
7 |
Blystad H. Norwegian Institute of Public Health, Department of Infectious Disease Epidemiology. Oslo. | |
Bulgaria |
1 |
Tomov N. National Centre for Addictions. |