Figure PDU-1 Estimates of the prevalence of problem drug use, 1999 to 2003 (rate per 1000 population aged 15 to 64)

Figure PDU-01


CR, capture–recapture; TM, treatment multiplier; PM, police multiplier; MI, multivariate indicator; TP, truncated Poisson; CM, combined methods. For more details see [Table PDU-1], [Table PDU-2] and [Table PDU-3] in the 2005 statistical bulletin. The symbol indicates a point estimate and a bar indicates an uncertainty interval, which can be either a 95 % confidence interval or an interval based on sensitivity analysis (see [Table PDU-3]). Target groups may vary slightly owing to different methods and data sources; therefore comparisons should be made with caution. The Spanish estimate does not include problem cocaine use; a higher estimate is available in [Table PDU-2] and [Table PDU-3], which takes this group into account but which may not be as reliable.


National focal points. See also EMCDDA project (2003): National prevalence estimates of problem drug use in the European Union, 1995–2000, CT.00.RTX.23, EMCDDA, Lisbon, coordinated by the Institut für Therapieforschung, Munich.