Figure PDU-7 National and local estimates of the prevalence of injecting drug use, 1999 to 2003 (rate per 1000 population aged 15 to 64)

Figure PDU-07


Black square = samples with national coverage; blue triangle = samples with local/regional coverage

Target groups may vary slightly owing to different methods and data sources; therefore comparisons should be made with caution. For more details see [Tables PDU-1 to PDU-3] in the 2005 Statistical Bulletin. The pattern of local prevalence estimates depends much on availability and location of studies, however, if available, local estimates can suggest that prevalence is different from the national average in specific cities or regions.


National focal points. See also EMCDDA project (2003): National prevalence estimates of problem drug use in the European Union, 1995–2000, CT.00.RTX.23, EMCDDA, Lisbon, coordinated by the Institut für Therapieforschung, Munich (