Studies of drug users in prison

Overview of the data  |  Tables  |  Supplementary downloadable tables  |  Methods and definitions

Overview of the data

The links above give access to the tables in the bulletin and the supplementary downloadable tables in the section dealing with drug users in prisons, as well as to a description of the methods and definitions used in compiling this data. A brief, summary overview is provided below. See also the side navigation bar for links to all chapters.

This section reports on various studies of prison inmates in different EU Member States and Norway over the past decade. Results shown in the studies cover a range of drugs including opiates, cocaine, cannabis and poly-drug use, and prevalence is estimated for a range of inmate sub-populations: injectors, males, females, youth. A further, more complete table is available in the supplementary tables to the bulletin, indexed below.

The first table of the section (Table DUP-0) gives the source bibliographic references for the studies reported in tables DUP-1 to DUP-5.

Summary points