Drug-related deaths

Overview of the data  |  Tables  |  Graphics  |  Supplementary downloadable tables  |  Methods and definitions

Overview of the data

The links above give access to the tables in the bulletin, the supplementary downloadable tables and the associated graphics in the section dealing with drug-related deaths, as well as to a description of the methods and definitions used in compiling this data. A brief overview is provided below. See also the side navigation bar for links to all chapters.

These tables report the number and characteristics of drug-related deaths recorded in the EU countries according to national definitions of 'drug-related deaths'. In this report, the term ‘drug-related death’ refers to those deaths caused directly by the consumption of one or more drugs and that occur, generally, shortly after the consumption of the substance(s). These deaths are known as ‘overdoses’, ‘poisonings’ or ‘drug-induced deaths’. Opiate overdose is one of the leading causes of death among young people in Europe, particularly among males, and, as national reports suggest, also in urban areas. It should be borne in mind that drug use is related to other causes of mortality, such as infectious diseases, accidents, etc. See the section on Methods and definitions for more detail on this matter.

Tables DRD-1 to DRD-4 deal with data supplied by each of the Member States that made information available.

The recorded characteristics of the deceased, reported in Table DRD-1 part (i), are the mean age at death and the percentages of those aged less than 15, 25, aged 35 or more and aged 65 or more. Opiates reported in the toxicology and population rates are represented in DRD-1 part (ii). The information is presented for the most recent year available and, as comparison, for 1990 or nearest reported year.

Table DRD-2 reports the total number of drug-related deaths recorded in each country in each year from 1985 onwards, with an indexed time series, and also the numbers of drug-related deaths from1990 onwards by gender and the total number of drug-related deaths under the age of 25 years old from 1990 onwards.

Table DRD-3 reports the total number of drug-related deaths recorded in each country in each year from 1990 onwards according to EMCDDA standard definition ‘Selection B’ (for General Mortality Registries), and Table DRD-4 according to EMCDDA standard definition ‘Selection D’ (for special registries).

Table DRD-0 gives the references and sources relevant to the tables.

Summary points

Figure DRD-1, Table DRD-1 part (i), Table DRD-1 part (ii).

Figure DRD-6, Table DRD-1 part (i), Table DRD-2 part (ii), Table DRD-2 Part (iv).

Table DRD-2 part (i), Table DRD-2 part (ii), Table DRD-3, Table DRD-4.

Table DRD-2 part (v), Figure DRD-9.

Table DRD-1 part (ii).