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The EU Member States, Bulgaria and Norway have in 2004 for the first time used a standardised format to collect the data on needle and syringe availability through specialised needle and syringe programmes (NSPs) and through pharmacy sales: the Standard Table 10 - Syringe availability (
This data collection tool includes information on the availability of different types of needle and syringe programmes (NSPs) in the country, including pharmacy-based programmes, and on the number of syringes provided at these programmes, as well as on pharmacy-sales and on syringe provision via vending machines. It includes data on the number of syringe provision points, defined as individual locations or physically distinct outlets where syringes are available for free or against payment, e.g. the number of community pharmacies.
While data on quantity and types of syringe provision points that are offered provide important background information, it is essential to interpret syringe availability in its national context, in particular with regard to the estimated prevalence level of drug injecting.
Information on the number of client contacts and the number of individual clients that make use of needle and syringe programmes are also collected with Standard Table 10, but as this information is patchy or unavailable in many countries, it is not presented here. The EMCDDA is carrying out further developmental work to increase the availability and quality of these data together with interested national focal points. For more information on EMCDDA harm reduction data collection see: