Drug availability and drug markets: seizures data

Overview of the data  |  Tables  |  Methods and definitions

Overview of the data

The link above gives access to the tables in the bulletin in the section dealing with drug seizures, as well as to a description of the methods and definitions used in compiling this data. A brief overview is also provided. See also the side navigation bar for links to all chapters.

The tables in this section monitor over time the number of drug seizures and quantities seized by law enforcement agencies (mainly police and customs officials), figures that are available for many countries historically over the longer term. Tables include data from the EU Member States, the candidate countries and Norway.

Table SZR-0 is a summary table for 2003 of the numbers of seizures and quantity seized, by country, of cannabis, heroin, cocaine, amphetamines, ecstasy and LSD.

Tables SZR-1 to SZR-12 show reported drug seizures by country, where data are available, for the major drug types of interest by both numbers of seizures and quantities seized. Part (i) of each table gives historical, medium-term data for 1994 to 2003 and part (ii) of the table gives a longer historical run of figures from 1985.

Summary points




