Index of tables and graphics


General population surveys of drug use (GPS)

Studies of youth and the schools population (EYE)

Studies of the problematic drug use population (PDU)

Studies of drug users in prison (DUP)

Drug-related infections diseases (INF)

Drug-related deaths (DRD)

Drug law offences (DLO)

Demand for treatment for drug use (TDI)

Needle and syringe programmes (NSP)

Drug availability and drug markets: seizures data (SZR)

Drug availability and drug markets: prices and purity information (PPP)


General population surveys of drug use (GPS)

Studies of youth and the schools population (EYE)

Studies of the problematic drug use population (PDU)

Drug-related infectious diseases (INF)

Drug-related deaths (DRD)

Demand for treatment for drug use (TDI)

Programmes for needle and syringe provision (NSP)

Supplementary downloadable tables

General population surveys of drug use (GPS)

Studies of youth and the schools population (EYE)

Studies of problematic drug use population (PDU)

Studies of drug users in prison (DUP)

Drug-related infectious diseases (INF)

Drug-related deaths (DRD)